Take a Web-Based Eye Test to Find Out If You are Eligible for LASIK / ReLEx® SMILE
Our Services
ReLEx® SMILE is the latest LASIK method, fast, flap-free, and minimally invasive. Only 10 minutes procedure!
FemtoLASIK is a LASIK surgery to correct or improve myopia (short-sighted) dan astigmatism (long-sighted)…
Myopia: Symptoms, Prevention and Treatments
Myopia or often referred to as nearsightedness is a condition where someone has difficulty seeing long distances such as seeing traffic signs, writing on the blackboard in front of the class or film shows that look blurry when you are watching a cinema that is far away of your.
Risiko dan Manfaat LASIK: Ini Hal yang Perlu Diketahui
Tahukah Anda bahwa risiko infeksi mata yang mengancam penglihatan terjadi kepada pengguna lensa kontak jangka panjang dibandingkan mereka yang pernah menggunakan LASIK?
Apa itu Katarak?
Yang harus kamu ketahui tentang Katarak ini adalah suatu kondisi dimana lensa alami yang ada dalam mata kita menjadi keruh sehingga mengurangi cahaya yang masuk ke dalam mata dan mengakibatkan adanya penurunan tajam penglihatan secara bertahap.
LASIK Eye Surgery in 2022: Information, Comparisons and Costs
How much is the LASIK eye for 2022?
The price of LASIK eye surgery in Indonesia ranges from IDR 10 million to IDR 25 million per eye. This range of costs includes services for consulting doctors and medicines, some for not.
Cataract Information, Insurance, and Cost
Cataracts are also the main cause of blindness in Indonesia and even throughout the world. What a terrible fact, isn’t it? Therefore, it is time for us to care about eye health by recognizing the types, symptoms, and prevention through the following reviews!
Mata Katarak? Apa Penyebabnya?
Halo Happy Eyes People!
Penyakit Katarak merupakan penyakit mata tersering yang mengganggu fungsi penglihatan akibat kekeruhan yang terjadi pada lensa mata, sehingga penglihatan menjadi kabur.